I have a hard time with this sometimes. For example, I came up with an idea for a Gamasutra design contest they held. The idea was to create a game that would feasible in the year 2020.
“Therefore, for this competition, devise the name of a game that will be popular or cutting-edge tech in 2020, and write a description of how it is controlled, as well as its chief design concepts and innovations.”Now, I love researching. I love looking up and reading about all sorts of things – especially when I’m trying to build something. The problem I ran into with this was that I had a really fun idea but I felt I didn’t know enough about the background of sleep studies. So I spent way more time reading about different things and complicating my idea than just doing what I should have done in the beginning – keep it simple.
With that said, I decided to unwind and present my idea the way I should of previously.
Name Sleep Series Games
What It IsCustomizable downloaded audio tracks that trick the brain into creating specific play environments while the player is sleeping – turning normally random dreams into a playground.
Desired OutcomePeople being able to use sleep as a way to become personally immersed in gameplay created either by themselves or by other people’s designs.
Description & Concepts When the player goes to bed, audio will play that has been enhanced with precise rhythms and keywords that will trigger particular images in the player’s head. This can include playing a game of chess with your grandfather or placing yourself in first person player gameplay.
The player can create these audio tracks via an online service. You can grant it access to your photo albums, social networks, or point it to specific key words and information via Google. You can also choose from professionally designed sleep experiences. In addition, you will be able to use licensed properties that have granted permission.
After you determine what type of game you want to play and all the criteria and conditions have been set, the player can then download the track to the player of their choice. When they are ready to sleep, just hit play and the encoded audio with set up the building blocks for their play experience including a buffering audio to allow the player to achieve REM before starting.
Considering even in 2020 we have yet to figure out everything abut the human brain, it is possible to listen to the same audio and have an entirely different experience. This will allow for replay ability.
Other NotesThis was created with the idea that as we go forward, our time is going to be consumed by more and more things. If we can combine our dreams with the types of experiences we want from our games, it could be a win for all parties involved.