
Been busy catching up, getting further, and looking forward.

Created in Illustrator.

A snippet of a work in progress - Nerd Pickle lamenting his salty watery prison when there is other "more nerdy" things to be done. It’s missing a lot of details at the moment but I’ll move back onto him as soon as I finish a few other items.

There has not been too much to report lately as I have transitioned out of one job and have found myself working on little things for the time being. I’m back to playing World of Warcraft and I am revisiting Chrono Trigger on the DS. I’m also cooking more thanks to an absence of a commute time in the evening.

I am furthering my skills in Illustrator though - which is helping fuel some more research into putting things into Flash. It was something I tinkered with at my last job but never really sat down and pushed at because I was usually too busy doing things related to my job title(s).
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