
An Update

Time flies when you are having fun!

I’ve been absent for a while and it’s been mostly due to other obligations going on. Sometimes you forget to talk to that open space known as the internet.

Lately I have been getting my hands dirty messing with an existing virtual world… trying to do what I can to help the site grow and attract more users. Perhaps when I have my own company (or permission from one I am formally employed with) it would be a good exercise to have a mini post mortems on constantly evolving items. While I cannot in this case, I have learned a lot in the past four months and I think I have grown professionally and personally because of it.

So while all of this has been going on, I have continued doing little drawings (found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/telka/ ) and expanding my horizons in other areas. Also, I have a side project that is in an embryo stage that I am excited about.

With that, I will close this post with an image I created a couple of days ago. Hopefully I can get around to posting more design-centric musings in the near future. :)

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